Remote Healing Sessions
Remote sessions are a unique blend of guided breathwork, meditation, energy healing and instruction of self-acupressure. These are powerful sessions that work on the energetic body to promote deep healing and relaxation. Included with the session, you will receive notes as well as a guided description of what to do at home after. You will also receive a personalized blend or samples of individual essential oils to apply at home as well!
Single session (average length 75 min): $222
Click here to schedule a single session
If interested in working with Emily, but would like more information, you can also book a free 15 min consultation and discovery call, where you can discuss your primary issues and if working together is in your highest alignment.
Click here to schedule a consultation
Single session (average length 75 min): $222
Click here to schedule a single session
If interested in working with Emily, but would like more information, you can also book a free 15 min consultation and discovery call, where you can discuss your primary issues and if working together is in your highest alignment.
Click here to schedule a consultation
Here is what some people are saying about the remote healing sessions...
"I received the most grounding & insightful session with Emily that has supported me immensely in all of the challenges I had been moving through, on physical, mental & emotional levels. She had the most unique approach infusing her extensive training in Chinese Medicine & understanding of our body’s complete networks & relationships. Her diagnosis & the intuitive guidance were incredibly spot on & I felt fully supported in what I was working through. I loved how she explained the technical aspects in a digestible & relatable way. I implemented her recommendations and found tremendous relief after only a few days. I am so thankful for how she blended her gifts & nurtured me through our session and would whole-heartedly recommend Emily!" - Karlyn L.
"I had a tremendously healing experience with Emily’s unique gift of channeled guidance and distance acupuncture. I shared with her areas of my health that needed improvement, sent a photo of my tongue and clothed body. She came up with the treatment plan based on her diagnosis as well as a post-treatment plan. Together over zoom, we went through the treatment. She is so well educated and explains everything thoroughly. She even sent me a copy of the treatment and post-treatment plan afterwards. Through visualization and guidance, we were able to access acupuncture points and do the healing work. I could feel the heat and healing being done on the points she guided me to. I felt very present and relaxed. Emily creates an incredibly safe, warm, and relaxing space to invite in healing. Emily is an intuitive healer, a guide, a solution-focused practitioner. She also focuses on the root cause of ailments and creates a deeper discussion of what could be happening. She’s like a health detective and really cares about what’s going on with you. She is very focused and determined to solving your health issues so you can live a more happy and healthy life. I HIGHLY recommend working with Emily if you have unresolved health or wellness issues or concerns!" - Abby P.
"I had my first virtual Acupressure and Essential oil session with @naturalwellnesswithemily. I didn't really know what to expect but I knew after interviewing her for Divinity Speaks my body was a Holy YES to work with her. She channeled the whole session and the different areas she brought awareness to, I could feel the energy moving. A big part of what we worked on was cleaning my blood and building more new healthy blood. It felt so nurturing and supportive to my system. She was so on point about my thyroid and holding back my voice that was a very old pattern that was continuing to show up in my body currently. She also gave super support to my nervous system and as she applied the oils energetically, I could feel the sensation and the smell of them as if I was right there in her office. The day after my session with her I felt new sensations and a deeper sense of peace in my body. Then as I did my regular meditations I was able to drop in even deeper to the meditation I do. It was really cool and I would highly recommend checking out her offerings." - Elisha G.
"I had a tremendously healing experience with Emily’s unique gift of channeled guidance and distance acupuncture. I shared with her areas of my health that needed improvement, sent a photo of my tongue and clothed body. She came up with the treatment plan based on her diagnosis as well as a post-treatment plan. Together over zoom, we went through the treatment. She is so well educated and explains everything thoroughly. She even sent me a copy of the treatment and post-treatment plan afterwards. Through visualization and guidance, we were able to access acupuncture points and do the healing work. I could feel the heat and healing being done on the points she guided me to. I felt very present and relaxed. Emily creates an incredibly safe, warm, and relaxing space to invite in healing. Emily is an intuitive healer, a guide, a solution-focused practitioner. She also focuses on the root cause of ailments and creates a deeper discussion of what could be happening. She’s like a health detective and really cares about what’s going on with you. She is very focused and determined to solving your health issues so you can live a more happy and healthy life. I HIGHLY recommend working with Emily if you have unresolved health or wellness issues or concerns!" - Abby P.
"I had my first virtual Acupressure and Essential oil session with @naturalwellnesswithemily. I didn't really know what to expect but I knew after interviewing her for Divinity Speaks my body was a Holy YES to work with her. She channeled the whole session and the different areas she brought awareness to, I could feel the energy moving. A big part of what we worked on was cleaning my blood and building more new healthy blood. It felt so nurturing and supportive to my system. She was so on point about my thyroid and holding back my voice that was a very old pattern that was continuing to show up in my body currently. She also gave super support to my nervous system and as she applied the oils energetically, I could feel the sensation and the smell of them as if I was right there in her office. The day after my session with her I felt new sensations and a deeper sense of peace in my body. Then as I did my regular meditations I was able to drop in even deeper to the meditation I do. It was really cool and I would highly recommend checking out her offerings." - Elisha G.
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