Unique Blends for Sale
For all essential oil roller blends (except the Chakra Series), when you bundle 2 or more you save $2 on each blend.
If you are purchasing 10 or more you receive Wholesale Pricing for both blends and sprays.
Please reach out to me directly via email and specify which blends you are looking to purchase and how many.
Please click here for the companion chakra ebook titled Embody. You can use it on your own or purchase the Essential Oil Blend series (listed below).
Revitalize Spray
Ingredients: Spring water with pink himalayan sea salt and dried rose petals along with cypress, lemongrass, tea tree, and clary sage essential oils.
Crystal(s): Obsidian and Citrine
Description: Refresh your space whenever you feel you need a clearing and revitalization of energy. It is good for motion and flow (Cypress), so this is a great spray if you are feeling stagnant or cluttered in your space. It can also be helpful in assisting in cleansing and purifying the space (Lemongrass), whether that be a physical or energetic clearing, such as after an argument or emotional outburst.
Not only is this spray good for clearing, but it is also good for protection and establishing energetic boundaries (Tea Tree). Lastly, if you are feeling stuck in your space, this spray will assist you in finding clarity and a renewed sense of vision (Clary Sage). Really, anytime you desire to shift the energy and make things lighter, this is the perfect spray.
Directions for Use: Shake bottle and spray away!
Transmutation Spray
Ingredients: Spring water with Celtic Sea Salt, Frankincense, Vetiver, and Myrrh Essential Oils
Crystals: Obsidian
Description: Transmutation is the act of changing, or the state of being changed into another form. This is a wonderful spray to use when desiring to deeply shift the energy of the space you are in; particularly when you are looking to transmute dense, heavy energy into a higher vibration or frequency. Frankincense assists in feeling enlightened, protected, and spiritually open while connecting you to true wisdom. It inspires connection to the divine father, or divine masculine. Vetiver aids to center, allowing you to remain present while emotionally aware and connected. Lastly Myrrh helps you to feel safe in the world and to have healthy attachments. It inspires a connection to the divine mother (divine feminine) and allows you to feel safe, nurtured, grounded, and secure. This is a balanced, grounding, and powerful spray to use with intention.
Directions: Shake bottle and spray away!
Manifestation Spray
Ingredients: Spring water with Vanilla, Wild Orange, Lemon, Sandalwood and Cinnamon Essential Oils
Crystals: Tiger’s Eye
Description: This sweet and sensual spray combines two of my favorite scents: vanilla and wild orange. This earthy yet uplifting blend of oils encourages you to tune in to the energy of the sacral chakra; a vessel for creation. It invites you to co-create with the universe and bring your deepest desires to manifest in the physical plane.
Directions: Shake bottle and spray away!
Cosmic Connections Spray
Ingredients: Spring water with Spanish Sage, Lavender, Clementine, and Kumquat essential oils
Crystal(s): Green Aventurine
Herb(s): Hibiscus
Description: Cosmic Connections was very much divinely guided; it is a spray to tap into the energies of the cosmos and aspects of your multidimensional self. The Spanish Sage allows for purification when connecting to higher realms and to support opening the portal to your cosmic self. Lavender helps to regulate and calm the nervous system while also activating the third eye, crown, and soul star chakras. The Clementine and Kumquat in this blend aid by adding brightness and remembering the joy of feeling connected to the full aspect of your being.
Directions for Use: Shake bottle and spray away!
New Moon Intention Spray
Ingredients: Spring water with Frankincense, Rosemary, Juniper Berry, Clary Sage and Black Pepper essential oils.
Crystals: Lapis Lazuli
Description: This blend inspires you to make wishes in the darkness of the New Moon. It grounds you when the light seems to diminish, and encourages you to unveil any illusions while tuning in to your intuition. It assists you in making any transitions necessary when setting these intentions in order to bring them into reality, and supports your inner well of knowledge.
Directions: Shake bottle and spray away!
Full Moon Magic Spray
Ingredients: Spring water with dried rose petals along with Guaiacwood (Palo Santo), Clove Bud, Lavender, Rose, Geranium, and Ylang Ylang essential oils.
Crystal(s): Rose Quartz
Description: This blend was created in honor of the glorious power of full moon energy and was charged in her energy. It was inspired by the joyfulness of flower medicine as well as the strength and stability that nature provides. It acts as a portal for ritual while sparking joy and assisting you to tap into the power of the divine feminine. The ratios of oils were channeled and chosen, and the sacred numbers support the intention of the spray.
Directions for Use: Shake bottle and spray away!
Lift Up Essential Oil Roller Blend
Ingredients: Fractionated coconut oil, rosemary, eucalyptus, peppermint, lemongrass, and geranium essential oils
Crystals: Clear and Rose Quartz
Description: This is the second in my nature series, which means it acts as a natural bug repellent while also helping you feel uplifted and inspired by the earth. In addition, it helps you feel connected to your true inner wisdom as well the innate wisdom that the earth possesses (Rosemary). It helps you feel more whole and complete (Eucalyptus) while also helping you to rediscover your joy (Peppermint). Similar to the Root Down blend, it also helps to remove negativity and toxicity (Lemongrass) and helps to restore confidence and trust in others and the world (Geranium).
Directions: Apply to the center of chest and underneath the collarbone; you can also apply to the neck as well as the insides of the elbows and wrists to feel uplifted while in nature.
Root Down Essential Oil Blend
Ingredients: Fractionated coconut oil, lemongrass, patchouli, siberian fir, and cedarwood essential oils
Crystal: Garnet
Description: This is the first in my nature series, which means it acts as a natural bug repellent while also helping you feel grounded and connected to the earth. It has an added bonus of removing toxic as well as negative energy as well as for releasing the past (Lemongrass). It helps you feel more grounded and confident in your body, while helping you feel more connected, accepted, and stable (Patchouli). This blend can help you live in the present moment and aids in generational healing (Siberian Fir) while helping you feel connected to your community and help release feelings of loneliness (Cedarwood).
Directions: Apply to lower abdomen (below the navel), insides of the knees and ankles, as well as to the soles of the feet in order to feel more connected and grounded to the earth.
Sun Essential Oil Roller Blend
Ingredients: Fractionated coconut oil, wild orange, green mandarin, and lemon essential oils
Crystals: Citrine
Herbs: Calendula (Marigold)
Description: Harness the energy of this sun with this bright and uplifting blend. This blend contains a combination of citrusy oils that will assist in giving you energy and clarity as you work towards your goals. Green mandarin taps into the potential energy, while wild orange is that potential energy made manifest into great abundance. Lemon rounds this out while supporting you to remain focused in achieving your dreams.
Directions: Apply to desired areas of the body, but keep in mind that citrus oils increase your skin’s photosensitivity. Please apply mindfully if preparing to be in direct sunlight ;)
Moon Essential Oil Roller Blend
Ingredients: Fractionated coconut oil, lavender, cassia, spearmint, and pink pepper essential oils
Crystals: Amethyst
Herbs: Lavender
Description: This warming blend will allow you to access the divine feminine within you, paving the way to the subconscious, and connecting to the magic and wisdom of the moon. The lavender in this blend facilitates a state of calm, and encourages you to be honest about your deepest thoughts and desires. Cassia assist you in feeling confident and authentic; it encourages you to step forward from the shadow into the light. Spearmint supports both of these actions as it reaffirms confident speech and supports you in becoming emotionally clear. Lastly, pink pepper embodies the spirit of intrinsic equality. It halts comparison and judgment in order for you to accept your true self.
Directions: Apply to desired areas of the body to connect with the magic of the moon and to aid in sleep.
Renewal Essential Oil Roller Blend
Ingredients: Fractionated coconut oil, basil, peppermint, tangerine, and lime essential oils.
Crystal(s): Pink Tourmaline and Aquamarine
Description: This essential oil blend is wonderful for when you desire a sense of renewal; it is good for times when you are feeling exhausted and fatigued (Basil). For those dark times when you are feeling disheartened, discouraged, or in despair and need a boost of optimism and buoyancy (Peppermint). This blend will help induce lightheartedness, spontaneity and joy (Tangerine), and remind you of your zest for life (Lime)!
Directions: Apply to the center of chest and neck, or the insides of the wrists or elbow creases to feel a sense of renewal.
Harvest Essential Oil Roller Blend
Ingredients: Fractionated coconut oil with rosemary, spikenard, ginger, and wild orange essential oils.
Crystal: Tiger’s Eye
Description: This blend is specifically designed to harness the energy of the autumn season. It is perfect for expressing gratitude (Spikenard which is a root) and acknowledging abundance (the spirit of Wild Orange). It is also a wonderful oil to apply to your solar plexus when feeling disempowered (Ginger) and when you are having difficulty making decisions. Lastly, this oil is great if you are having difficulty with transitioning (Rosemary) and letting go.
Directions for Use: Apply to solar plexus or on desired parts of the body to harness the energy of abundance and gratitude!
Fire Element Essential Oil Roller Blend
Ingredients: Fractionated coconut oil with cinnamon bark, clove bud, ginger, and cedarwood essential oils
Crystal: Red Agate
Description: This blend was inspired by the powerful and transformative element of Fire. It invokes passion, drive, and supports the death and rebirth cycles in life. Cinnamon has an added benefit in supporting a healthy expression of sexuality as well as healing any issues when it comes to sexual health. Sexual energy is also closely connected to creativity and, thus, cinnamon can help support creative projects and endeavors. Clove is a wonderful addition to this blend as it supports feeling empowered and independent while feeling safe and protected with clear boundaries. Ginger supports clove in its ability to support empowerment; however, it also inspires you to take responsibility for your choices in life. Both ginger and clove assist you to transition from a victim based mentality to a warrior based mentality. Lastly, the cedarwood acts to stoke the embers in the fire. It helps you to feel connected and supported, and reminds you that you are not alone.
Descriptions for Use: Apply to desired areas of the body to connect with the element of Fire. I personally recommend applying it to the abdomen, below the ribcage, around the navel, as well as on the lower abdomen beneath the navel.
Water Element Essential Oil Roller
Ingredients: Fractionated coconut oil with blue tansy, lavender, and bergamot essential oils
Crystal(s): Aquamarine plus Lapis Lazuli and Amethyst
Description: This blend was inspired by the powerful, life-giving force of the element of Water. It is a wonderful conduit in assisting you to tune in to the emotional depths that lie within and underneath the surface, as it supports accessing the subconscious. The blue tansy in this blend supports you to live more in alignment with your inner voice and can assist with communication as a result. It supports you to make any changes that you may have been resisting and helps to inspire initiative and action. Lavender supports blue tansy in its ability to support clear, calm communication and it also aids in promoting self-awareness. Bergamot rounds out this delicate, yet powerful blend by supporting acceptance of the self. It inspires hope, optimism, and confidence in order to support you in embracing your true self!
Descriptions for Use: Apply to desired areas of the body to connect with the element of Water. I personally recommend applying it to the space between the eyebrows (the third eye), as well as along the brows and on the crown of the head.
Manifestation Roller Blend
Ingredients: Spring water with Vanilla, Wild Orange, Lemon, Sandalwood and Cinnamon Essential Oils
Crystals: Tiger’s Eye
Description: This sweet and sensual spray combines two of my favorite scents: vanilla and wild orange. This earthy yet uplifting blend of oils encourages you to tune in to the energy of the sacral chakra; a vessel for creation. It invites you to co-create with the universe and bring your deepest desires to manifest in the physical plane.
Directions: Shake bottle and spray away!
Galactic Heritage Essential Oil Roller Blend
Description: This blend was divinely guided and inspired, from the essential oils used to the ratios in which they are combined. The intention of this blend is to connect with your starseed origins as well as to the ascended masters and your highest self. All of which are here to assist you on your journey to support you for your highest good in this life and timeline. This blend will help support you to take initiative as needed, to tap into your potential, and assist in transformation.
Directions: Apply to desired areas of the body; particularly, the third eye, heart space, back and the head, and wrist creases
Elvin Magic Essential Oil Roller Blend
Ingredients: Fractionated Coconut Oil with Douglas Fir, Tangerine, Tea Tree, and Rosemary Essential Oils with Dried Rosemary, Celtic Sea Salt and Peridot Crystals
Description: This woodsy yet whimsical blend was designed specifically to assist you in tapping into your inner connection to the earth. It inspires a deeper connection to the natural world around you, including plants, trees, animals (to name a few) as well as the energy of the elements. It helps to uplift and inspire a more positive environment with healthy boundaries, while also purifying the body. This blend will help to brighten your mood while remaining grounded.
Directions: Apply to desired areas of the body, particularly the wrist and elbow creases, third eye and back of the head.
Label: This essential oil blend is unique in that you can choose an elf specific label! After placing an order, you will receive a message from me asking which label calls to you.
Mermaid Essential Oil Roller Blend
Ingredients: Fractionated Coconut Oil with Lavender, Eucalyptus, and Green Mandarin Essential Oils with Fluorite Crystals
Description: Tap into the healing energy of the interdimensional mermaids and connect with the ancient waters of the sea and the creatures who inhabit it. Plunge into the depths of wisdom and intuition while facilitating a spark of play and joy.
Directions: Apply to desired areas of the body, particularly the neck, chest, and wrist creases
Angelic Healing Essential Oil Roller Blend
Ingredients: Fractionated Coconut Oil with Pink Pepper, Rosemary, and Lime with Rose Quartz Crystals
Description: This blend is perfect for the individual who does any kind of energy work; it is a blend for healing and deep spiritual work.
Directions: Apply to desired areas of the body, particularly the third eye, heart space, and wrist creases.
Cosmic Dragon Essential Oil Roller Blend
Ingredients: Fractionated Coconut Oil, Davana, Black Spruce, and Cardamom Essential Oils with Pyrite and Black Tourmaline Crystals
Description: Tap into the transformative energy of the cosmic dragon. Connect with the multidimensional dragons to assist and empower you on your healing journey as well as to awaken these energies for the earth as well. This blend has a spicy sweetness to help you take flight in creating the reality that you desire while feeling rooted in your own infinite abundance.
Directions: Shake bottle to activate and apply to desired areas of the body. Recommend applying to neck, chest, and wrist areas.
Dance with the Lands of Africa Blend
This blend was channeled for my friend and colleague Karlyn Langjahr's retreat to Namibia called "Dance with the Lands: Earth Magick & Animal Spirit Wisdom." It is a grounding yet empowering blend that brings lightness to the ancient and ancestral lands of Africa.
Ingredients: Garnet and citrine crystals in fractionated coconut oil with birch, rose, and lemon essential oils.
Chakra Series Essential Oil Blends
This series contains 10, 5 mL bottles in correspondence to the 7 Primary Chakras (Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown), in addition to the Earth Star, Soul Star, and Hand Chakra Centers.
You can either use each oil as needed/desired, or use with the companion ebook which comes free with purchase!
Miracle Face Oil
Ingredients: Organic Jojoba Oil, Rose, Lavender, and Blue Tansy Essential Oils
Description: Blue Tansy is a wonderful ally for the skin. It is said to help smooth wrinkles as well as soothe acne, eczema or psoriasis, and sun damaged skin. Emotionally, Blue Tansy helps you to feel inspired and energized to start your day; it helps to banish feelings of apathy, lethargy, and exhaustion. Lavender also plays a role in soothing and healing sunburns as well as scars. It has a calming effect on not only the skin, but also the mind and heart; it brings a peace of mind. Similarly, Rose supports the skin in healing scars and wounds, smoothing wrinkles, and soothing redness as well as the facial capillaries. Rose is a powerful aroma and inspires feelings of divine love, compassion, empathy, and tenderness.
Directions: Take a small dropper full and apply directly to desired skin as part of your daily routine.. I recommend applying it prior to using a guasha tool or face yoga routine.
Here's what people are saying about Emily's blends...
"I have been using Emily’s essential oils for a year now and they are amazing! They smell great and help me to set my intention for the day. Emily uses a mixture of dried flowers, crystals and oils to formulate her blends and I usually pick what calls to me for the day and apply them to my pressure points. I also use her room sprays to clear any muck or stagnant energy from a room! Use them and you’ll feel a difference!" - L.C.
Emily is a DoTerra Consultant and will often incorporate oils into treatment. For more information or to place an order, please click here.