Moon Essential Oil Roller Blend
Ingredients: Fractionated coconut oil, lavender, cassia, spearmint, and pink pepper essential oils
Crystals: Amethyst
Herbs: Lavender
Description: This warming blend will allow you to access the divine feminine within you, paving the way to the subconscious, and connecting to the magic and wisdom of the moon. The lavender in this blend facilitates a state of calm, and encourages you to be honest about your deepest thoughts and desires. Cassia assist you in feeling confident and authentic; it encourages you to step forward from the shadow into the light. Spearmint supports both of these actions as it reaffirms confident speech and supports you in becoming emotionally clear. Lastly, pink pepper embodies the spirit of intrinsic equality. It halts comparison and judgment in order for you to accept your true self.
Directions: Apply to desired areas of the body to connect with the magic of the moon and to aid in sleep.